7114 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75235
Understanding the Jiffy Data Page

Jiffy Tap Lead Screw, Unspecified Pitch

Weight: 3.7 lbs.
Basic Unit

Jiffy-Tap is the light, compact, and powerful answer to production lead screw tapping or die threading in close quarters. It will easily drive taps up through 1-1/2" N.C. size in medium cast iron with ample allowance for dull taps. Using a hydraulic motor to rotate the spindle, the standard unit will produce more than 10 HP, yet is so compact that two units will mount side-by-side on 3-5/16" spacing. On special orders this can be reduced to 3-3/16". No other tapping unit can deliver the long life and high torque of the Jiffy-Tap in such a small frame.
Stroke Length: 0 to 2-1/8" Maximum.
Spindle RPM: 3000 RPM maximum.
Spindle Taper: #4 Jacobs male taper.
Use the combination of the dimensional prints for the main unit, spindle and drive style to determine the overall dimensions and to generate a CAD model.
Weight: 9.5 lbs.
No Drive Style

Weight: 0.1 lbs.