AAA Products International Inc.
7114 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75235

Data for 352V

The 695V valve is obsolete with no direct replacement. Please contact AAA Products International with your requirements for help selecting a replacement valve.


This valve has been replaced. Please follow the appropriate link:
Part No.Hennessy No.AAA Products No.Data
304V 8181986630V
304VY81843693, 81843693A631VY
305V 8181995632V
308V 8787165633V
352VC 8183642634VC
442VC 8185585635VC
443VY 8185586636VY
444VY 8185621637VY
445VY 8185581638VY
446VY 8184878639VY
AAA Products International